Date di esame per ACC (teledidattica) / Exam dates for FoCS (ACSAI):

* 9-1-2025, 6-2-2025, 3-6-2025, 3-7-2025, 4-9-2025 (prova scritta / written test)

* l'esame orale si svolgerà qualche giorno dopo lo scritto e verrà concordato con il docente / the oral exam will take place a few days after the written test and will be agreed with the teacher.

Tutti gli esami si svolgeranno in presenza / All exams are in presence.


Exams for Concurrent Systems are by appointment with the professor. 

The course will start on Monday March 3rd, 2025. For all details, see the webpage: https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/conc-sys/