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Principles of Computer Science I - 24/25


Google Classroom Code: 5lmqhuk

First semester, starting from:  05 October 2024.


  • Thursday, 9:00 - 11:00
  • Friday, 9:00 - 12:00

Classroom Psicologia I, Fisiologia Generale e Antropologia Farmacia e Medicina (CU026, E01PS1L101).


To reach the classroom please enter the brown gate in front of the café of the Viale Regina Elena main entrance, walk through the path and enter the door where there is written Psicologia Aula on the top. The classroom is the first door on the left.


The lessons will be 100% in presence, according to Sapienza rules: https://www.uniroma1.it/en/notizia/covid-19-phase-3-person-and-online-classes-exams-and-graduation-sessions



Please, refer to the Google Classroom of the course for further information about study material and exams.

AI Lab: Computer Vision and NLP 24/25

Course Classroom Code: ilb3y2t

Second semester, starting from 26 February 2025.

Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00

Friday: 15:00 - 17:00


The class for the lecture is Aula 3 De Lollis, RM158-E01PTEL003. The class entrance is in Via Tiburtina 205.


Study material and course announcements can be found at the Google Classroom of the course.


Exam Dates
  • TBA