Student Collaboration Scholarships

Student Collaboration Scholarships #

A student collaboration scholarship is a scholarship assigned to students that take part in various activity of support for Sapienza.

Every scholarship covers a maximum of 150 hours of activity for a compensation of 1295€ (or 1500€, if the activity includes support for students with learning disorders). Generally, retributions is carried out in this way:

  • the student that completes less than 75 hours will not receive any amount of money;
  • once the students completes 75 hours, he/she receives half of the compensation;
  • the rest of the compensation is deposited either once he/she completes 150 hours of activity or when the scholarship ends; if when the scholarship ends the student has not finished 150 hours, the compensation will be proportional to the number of hours completed (for example, if the student does 100 hours, he/she will receive 865€, of which 650 when he/she completes 75 hours and the rest at the end of the scholarship).

The students can decide to abandon the scholarship before it ends if he/she notifies the referent in time. The compensation will work in the same way: if he/she abandons before completing 75 hours he/she won’t receive anything, otherwise he/she will receive a compensation proportional to the number of hours completed.


Every student can take part in only one student collaboration scholarship per academic year. Nonetheless, it is possible to apply for many scholarship and then chose one of them.

To take part in a student collaboration scholarship you have to apply on the portal Borse di Collaborazione, where you can access with Infostud credentials. Once you logged in, look the section “Partecipa ad un bando”: here the departments upload the call for the scholarship and the terms of application (in the chart under “Inizio” and “Fine”). It is mandatory to read the call for the scholarship: you can click on the name of the scholarship (in the chart under “Bando”). There you will find:

  • a description of the activity;
  • beginning and end of the activity;
  • modality of retribution;
  • admission requirements;
  • publication dates of the ranking.


It is not mandatory to apply for a scholarship of your department or faculty! Generally, calls for a scholarship require you to have taken a particular exam and, if you have, you can apply for the call even if it is from another degree. For example, if a call of the Economy Department is searching for tutor in mathematics asking for students who took any analysis exam, you can apply if you took Calculus 1.

Once you choose the call you want to apply for, click on “Candidatura” and follow the procedure. If you encounter any difficulties, check the guide.

If you are selected for the scholarship, you will receive an email on your Sapienza address: generally, you have 5 days to accept the assignment. If you accept, your referent will soon contact you to begin the activity.