Study Plan

Computer Science Study Plan #

All the information given here can be found on the official webpage dedicated to Computer Science (if it seems outdated modify the year in the link to the current one). You might have to check the webpage in case rules change, as it happend in the 2024/25 academic year when the recommended curriculums were added.
In the Computer Science Study Plan Telegram section you can discuss, compare and ask for advices regarding your plan.

Study Plan Basics #

Students of the Master’s Degree in Computer Science must have a valid study plan (“percorso formativo”) to be able to book and take exams.

As for 2024/2025 A.Y. a total of 120 CFUs must be obtained, divided in:

  • 12 CFUs of exams coming from any faculty within Sapienza (must be justified in order to be approved, you can’t simply insert Philosofy 3)
  • 6 CFUs of AFC (supplementary educational activities) which might be a seminary, a side project with a professor or a recognized work activity related to Computer Science (check here)
  • 66 CFUs of exams within the Computer Science degree
  • 36 CFUs for the thesis

What’s a study plan? #

The study plan defines the courses that the student intends to attend and for which will take the related exams during the first and second year. Students can book or take an exam only if they have an approved study plan.

How can I submit it? #

Study plans must be submitted using the online study plan submission system called “Percorsi Formativi,” accessible from Infostud.

Submission and Revision Dates #

Students can submit their study plan once a year during the following timeframe:

  • From October 1st to November 30th of each year.

The committee will evaluate the submitted study plans periodically as follows:

  • Plans submitted by October 10th will be reviewed by October 30th.
  • Plans submitted after October 10th and by November 30th will be evaluated by December 31st.

Study plans, once approved for an academic year, cannot be modified within the same academic year.

We recommend to follow the courses for at least a month before making any final choice in order to avoid having to wait an entire academic year before making some changes. It’s very frequent that students change ideas and might try other courses before making a definitive plan.

An already valid study plan can be revised in the following A.Y. by submitting a new plan that includes all previously approved courses.

Late Enrollement (>November 30th) #

Students who authorized to enroll in the degree course after November 30th will have the opportunity to submit their study plan by February 28th of the following year (e.g. a student enrolled in December 2023 can submit by 28th February 2024).

Late-submitted study plans will be evaluated as follows:

  • Plans submitted after November 30th and by January 15th will be reviewed by January 31st.
  • Plans submitted after January 15th and by February 28th will be evaluated by March 31st.

When Does an Approved Study Plan Come into Effect? #

Study plans come into effect starting from the academic year in which they were submitted and remain in effect until a new substitute study plan is submitted and approved. This means that if you are enrolled in the 24/25 A.Y in December 2025 you won’t be able to take exams of the new study plan submitted in September 2025. You’ll have to wait January 2026 to take the exams of the new study plan!

Exam sessions held from September to December belong to the previous academic year! Those can be used by students only to pass exams for courses that are part of their previously approved study plans for the past academic year!

Can a study plan be rejected? #

Yes, you will have to submit a new plan until it gets approved. There’s not a plain rejection, usually an email explaining the reason why the plan was rejected is sent.

How to avoid rejection? #

As for 2024/25 A.Y. you can decide to follow some recommended study plans which will be automatically approved (find them here), although they might not reflect your full interests. Alternatively, you can opt for an individual study plan which you might have to adjust, which will give you the freedom to build a very unique and diversified plan.

Exams Ahead of Schedule #

Once your study plan is approved you can virtually book all the exams and finish your Master’s Degree in one semester. In practice if you book and pass an exam that you didn’t attend yet, the administration might remove it from your career record. The dangerous part is the “might” because if they notice right before your graduation you might have to delayed it or worse, if they notice it after you graduated they can legally invalidate your degree. This is not written anywhere explicitly so be careful. If you want to anticipate an exam you might ask the professor to freeze the grade until you can “legally” book it and register the grade.

Special Cases #

Erasmus students who will spend a period abroad can seek the assistance of the study plan evaluation committee to immediately modify their study plan if they encounter serious administrative problems at the host institution. Moreover, students who cannot attend courses provided in their study plan due to class overlaps or unforeseen changes in their schedule can seek the assistance of the study plan evaluation committee to make immediate changes to resolve such conflicts.

Contacts #

The study plan evaluation committee can open a support ticket by writing an email to: The committee invites students not to ask questions whose answers are already present in the text above.

You will receive a response within about 30 days. Typically, the committee responds much faster when the study plan submission deadline approaches.