Timeline of the Bachelor's Degree in ACSAI

Timeline of the Bachelor’s Degree in ACSAI #

Even if you might feel a bit lost at first, there are only a few key moments to keep in mind during your academic journey. This timeline will help you navigate the main milestones of the Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Remember: the goal is not just to reach the end, but to gain the most value from every stage of the journey. Take advantage of every opportunity to grow, learn, and build your future, alongside your classmates and future colleagues.

From April to September: Register and Enroll #

The first essential step is to register: to do so, you need to pass the TOLC-I entrance test and enroll. You can find all the necessary information and steps in the registration guide.

Mid-September: Check the Schedule and Classrooms #

Before starting classes, it’s important to check the Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence page in the Study Program Catalog, especially the attendance section, to know the start date of classes, the schedule, and classrooms, as well as any classes with delayed starts.

To locate buildings within the university city (those with codes starting with CU), you can consult the classroom map.

September 25, 2024: Welcome Meeting for New Students #

On Wednesday 25 September, a welcome meeting was held for A.A. 2024/25 freshmen in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (ACSAI) and Informatics

With the participation of the President of the Degree Course, Prof. Massini, professors, Degree Course Tutors and Student Representatives to the Didactic Area Council, we provided practical information on the organisation of the Degree Course and there was a light refreshment

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From September to December and from March to May: Attend Classes #

Attending classes is essential for mastering the concepts of the various courses and passing the exams smoothly. Although some classes may be recorded or available online, active participation in the classroom will help you better understand the concepts and interact with professors and fellow students.

Forming a study group with friends can be a great strategy for tackling the academic challenges together.

November 5, 2024: First Installment Deadline for Second-Year and Later Students #

The deadline for paying the first installment is set for November 5, 2024. For more information on payments and deadlines, check the dedicated page.

Attention This deadline is only valid for students enrolled in the second year and beyond, as first-year enrollment includes the payment of the first installment for first-year students.

Late October to Early November and April to May: Take the Midterms #

Many courses, especially during the first year, offer the opportunity to take midterms during the semester. These are mini-exams that, if passed, can reduce the study load for the final exam. Typically, information about midterms is provided directly by the professor during classes, which is another reason why attending classes is important. Midterms usually take place during class time when the professor has covered half of the course material.

Midterms are generally supplemented by a final written exam, which determines the final course grade. Midterms are optional, but they are a great way to reduce the study load during the exam period, which can be very demanding.


Midterms are at the discretion of the professors: they will not be available for all courses. Usually, professors announce during the first classes whether they will hold midterms and an approximate period when they will take place.

December 19, 2024: Second Installment Deadline #

The deadline for paying the second installment is set for December 19, 2024. For more information on payments and deadlines, check the dedicated page.

From January to February, June to July, and in September: Take the Exams #

Exams take place at the end of each semester. To know the date and classroom for each exam, you can check the attendance section on the course website. During the winter and summer sessions, there are two exam dates for each exam, while in the September session, there is only one date.

To take an exam, you need to register via InfoStud by selecting the exam under Search Exam Sessions.


Each exam has a deadline by which you must register. Be sure to register by the deadline, or you won’t be able to take the exam.

March 27, 2025: Third Installment Deadline #

The deadline for paying the third installment is set for March 27, 2025. For more information on payments and deadlines, check the dedicated page.

At the Start of the Third Year: Fill Out the Study Plan #

At the beginning of the third year, you will need to fill out your Study Plan by selecting the elective courses you want to take. This is an opportunity to customize your academic path according to your interests.

For all the information on how to fill out the Study Plan and the list of courses to choose from, refer to the Study Plan guide.

Once You Reach 126 Credits: Internship #

The internship is an important learning experience that will allow you to apply your knowledge in a real work context. You can complete the internship either internally, collaborating with a professor or research group, or externally, at a company or organization. You can find more information on the internship page.

Towards the End of the Internship: Write the Internship Report #

The Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence does not include a traditional thesis, but rather an internship report. This report is a written document that describes the work carried out during the internship and the results obtained.

For all the information on how to write the internship report, what template to use, and useful tips, consult the internship report guide.

After Completing the Internship and Exams: Graduation #

Once you have completed all the exams and the internship report, you can finally graduate with a degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. To prepare everything, you will need to fill out the graduation application, submit the internship report to the Academic Office, and register for the graduation session via InfoStud.

For all the information on how the graduation session works, how to calculate the graduation grade, and how to complete the graduation application, consult the [graduation guide].