Career Service

Career Service #

Sapienza offers a good number of services to help students in entering the labour market. See the site Career Service per studenti e laureati for further informations.

Jobteaser #

Jobteaser is the platform of career guidance chosen by Sapienza, with offers reserved to its students. You can create an account here using Infostud credentials and start exploring working opportunities using personalized filters. In particalur, in the reserved area you can compile your reasech criteria (interest area, type of contract…) and take vocational and guidance tests, in order to ease the research. Once you have done this, explore the area “Offers” in the site to find an opportunity and apply for it. In order to better the chances of being selected, it is recommended to upload on your profile the Curriculum Vitae and specify your educational experience. Finally, you can activate the option “I am interested in new opportunities”: Jobteaser will link you with offers related to your interests, sending you a message when a recruiter selects you for an interview. Furthermore:

  • the section “Events” allows you to subscribe to seminar and workshops on the labour market in order to help you to move the first steps in this world. We underline the Employability Lab, an annual event for undergraduate and graduate students to better self conscience of strenghts and interests
  • the section “Companies” offers recommendations and information specific to partner companies, in order to better your chances of being selected
  • the section “Appointments” allows you to book an interview with an expert for career guidance, skill balance or CV check

See the Jobteaser guide for further information.

TSP Sapienza #

TSP is a platform for curricular and extra-curricular internships. You can access the service here. It is possible to apply for a published offer (section “Search opportunities”) or to send a spontaneous application with a partner company (section “Reaserch company”).

Recruiting Events #

Sapienza often organizes recruiting events: you can find a list of them of the Sapienza site. In particular, we underline Career Days STEM, an annual events for engineering and science students, to which a great number of companies partecipates. In past years companies like Huawei, PWC and Tim took part to the event. Further information on this year edition of the Career Days STEM will be published here when available. Anyhow, periodically check the site linked above.