
Psychological Counseling #

Sapienza offers a free service of psychological counseling for its students, divided between the Hub of Services of Counseling and the Center for Psychological Counseling: both are located in Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Edificio CU002 (Ground floor). Initially, it is necessary to contact the hub (, which offers only one cognitive meeting for students with the following personal difficulties:

  • difficulties in studying and passing exams;
  • difficulties in fitting within the social context of the university;
  • being separated for a support network (friends and family);
  • disorders caused by the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, etno-culutral origins, religion, political beliefs, social background;
  • harassments or other kinds of physical and psychological aggression.

After the first meeting, the service can suggest specific paths to follow or prescribe the psychological interviews offered by the Center for Psychological Counceling ( The center offers up to 4 interviews followed by a follow up interview after three months.

All the interviews must be done in presence, except for Erasmus students or students attending courses in buildings outside of Rome.

University represents a crucial moment for us students and facing it in the correct psychological condition is fundamental to live this period of our life in the best way possible. We want to say that everyone can go through periods of difficulty or discomfort and seeking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. Exposing oneself can be scary, but it is the only way to overcome anxieties, disorders and traumatic events: there’s nothing shameful or disgraceful in trying to find your own peace!