Libraries and Study Rooms

Studying at the university and searching for texts #

Sapienza offers more than 40 libraries (with almost 3 milion available texts), numerous study halls and free access to 170 online databases.

Studying at the university #

Each library offers a certain number of seats to read and study: you can find a map here. We point out the library Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, which is in Via Eudossiana 18, in Edificio RM032 (Floor 3), but every student of Sapienza has access to all the libraries in the university buildings. Access requirse only to show an ID document.

There is no precise list of the study halls, but you can find them almost in every building of Sapienza. We point out here the study hall frequently used by computer science students:

  • Viale Regina Elena 295:

    • Aula studio aula S4, edificio E (Floor -1);
    • Aula studio, Edificio G (Ground Floor);
  • Via Salaria 113:

    • Laboratorio Colossus (Floor -1);
    • Unnamed study halls, ask for them to the reception (Ground Floor).

Searching for texts #

Sapienza offers the possibility to search for all the free texts available to the students through MyEBSCO. There, you can also find a private area accessible with Infostud credentials, where you can save the texts you have found. On MyEBSCO it is possible to do research for title author or argument.

Let’s do an example to show how it works. Suppose you have to search for “Learning Python”:

  1. Write the name of the text of the search bar of MyEBSCO (in the case of search for a specific text it is better to insert the name of the author to reduce the results shown);
  2. If the research goes well, click on “Opzioni accesso” (Option of access) under the chosen text;


  1. If you want to read it online, click on “Verifica la disponibilità in formato elettronico” (Verify online availability) or “Accedi alla Risorsa” (Access to the resource): if available online, you will be shown where you can download it;
  2. If the text is available on paper in the Sapienza libraries and you want to read it in that format, click on “Vai al Catalogo” (Go to catalogue): you will be redirected to OPAC, the catalogue of texts that can be found in Sapienza libraries. Here, you can see in which of library it is available: in our example, “Learning Python” is only in the library ‘Ricerca sociale, informatica e comunicazione’; if the text is available is more than one library, one can chose the one you prefer; remember to make a note of **’codice inventario’ ** (inventory code) and    ’codice collocazione’ (collocation code). Lastly, go to one of the library in which the text is available, request a consultation or loan module and fill it with the previous codes.


Remember that it is possible to request a text ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY in the libraries where it is available! If you go to another library of Sapienza the request will be denied.
