
Tutoring #

The tutoring schedule for comprehensive learning is now also available.

Tutoring is a valuable resource offered by Sapienza to support students in their academic journey. Whether you are a first-year student trying to find your way within the university or a student needing assistance with specific courses, tutoring can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Types of Tutoring #

Sapienza offers two main types of tutoring. The first is tutoring for individual courses, which provides targeted support to help you understand course content and assist with exercises. This type of tutoring is conducted by senior students, professors, or researchers, depending on the course’s requirements.

The second type is comprehensive learning support tutoring. This service offers general guidance on the academic path, helps you find information and resources, and provides support throughout your academic career. It is particularly useful for students who are taking their first steps within the university.

How to Access the Tutoring Service? #

Tutoring for individual courses #

Tutoring for individual courses is usually announced by the instructor during class or on the platform (Moodle, Classroom, etc.) used for the course. Tutoring sessions are held outside of regular class hours, and all interested students can participate. Participation is encouraged, as it helps lighten the study load and clarify any doubts. The exercises done during tutoring sessions are often similar to those that will appear on the exam, or the tutors may be students who have already passed the exam. Therefore, attending tutoring is one of the best ways to be well-prepared for the exam.

Schedule #

There is a current tutoring schedule for individual courses.

Comprehensive Learning Support Tutoring #

Contact the tutors to schedule a call with them.

Available on appointment: Oriana Deliallisi, Lorenzo Antonelli, Michele Palma

What does it consist of?

The tutors will be available in person to listen to you and answer any questions you may have about your academic journey, or to help you find useful information and resources.

This is especially useful for students taking their first steps within the University. It is, therefore, a practical general orientation service, from students to students.