Didactic Opportunities

Didactic Opportunities #

In addition to frontal lessons, Sapienza offers many opportunities to expand your skills and knowledge in a “non-standard” way.

High School of Advanced Studies #

The High School for Advanced Studies (SSAS) is a didactic path of high formation, parallel to the curricular paths of your degree. The most interesting aspect of the SSAS is the presence of tutors, having the duty of direct students to a specific study and research areas. Admission to SSAS considers only accademic merits. Students admitted to SSAS have free access to any degree in Sapienza University.

In addition to lessons of your degree, you will have to annually complete:

  • a research project with your tutor
  • an interdisciplinary group project
  • seminars of your area of study
  • language courses

Other advantages offered by SSAS are:

  • free housing in Residenza Luca Serianni (a college near the university city)
  • mobility programs to other High School of Advanced Studies, that are Scuola Normale di Pisa, Ecole Normale of Paris and International High School of Trieste

Admission #

It is possible to apply for the SSAS at the first year of a Bachelor Degree or at the first year of a Master Degree. Students of the first year of a Bachelor Degree can apply only if they obtained an high school final grade of 90/100 (or higher). Students of the first year of the Master Degree can apply only if they obtain a bachelor degree grade of 107/110 (or higher).

Application for current accademic year are closed, but we will upload further information when possible.

Futuro Annunciato #

Futuro Annunciato is a summer school organized by professors of the Computer Science Department of Sapienza. The summer school is open to bachelor students of STEM degrees, in order to present career opportunities in computer science.

Futuro Annunciato is structured with:

  • seminars
  • interactive round tables
  • informal discussions with reaserchers, PhD. students and founders of start-ups.

This year edition has already taken place, but we will upload more information when possible.

Path of Excellence #

A path of excellence is a didactic path for deserving students, with the aim of adding reaserch activities to curricular lessons. Students admitted to the path must completed between 100 and 200 hours of activities every year.

At the end of the path you will receive a certificate of partecipation and a refound of the tuiton fees.

The call for this year is not been published yet, but you can regularly check this page or the “Attendance” page of the ACSAI course, in the “Honours programme” section.