
Internship #

Telegram Group

There is also a Telegram chat, managed by students of the degree course, dedicated to topics related to the thesis and internship.

Examples of internship reports

Examples of internship reports shared from other students can be found in the dedicated section of this page.

How the Internship Works #

The internship is a fundamental step in the academic journey, as it allows students to put into practice the skills acquired during the degree program. It can be carried out at a company, an organization, or a research laboratory, and can be either internal or external to the University.

The internship:

  • Internal: It is carried out within the University, under the supervision of a professor or their research laboratory. During the internal internship, the student can engage in research, design, development, testing, and evaluation of computer systems in various thematic areas.

  • External: It is carried out at a company or an external organization, under the supervision of a company tutor (External Supervisor) and a professor from the University (Internal Supervisor). During the external internship, the student will have the opportunity to apply the skills acquired during the degree program by working on real projects and tackling typical challenges of the professional world.


The internship lasts 105 days, so it is very important to take this duration into account when choosing the graduation session.

Which Internship is Best for Me? #

The choice between an internal and external internship depends on your preferences and academic path. Here are some considerations that may help you make the right decision:

  • An internal internship allows you to enter the world of research, working on innovative projects and tackling topics related to all areas of computer science. If you’re interested in continuing your studies or pursuing a PhD, an internal internship could be the best choice for you. The academic environment also offers greater flexibility, especially in managing time and study.

  • An external internship allows you to immediately enter the workforce, a completely different context from academia, where you can develop practical skills that may be useful in your future career. The external internship also gives you the opportunity to work on significant business projects, which could be a great chance to gain experience and build your career.

How to Apply for an Internal Internship #

Applying for an internal internship is a fairly simple process that requires a few steps:

  1. Visit the professor’s website to learn about their research area and any available internship/thesis projects. If no information is available on the website or if you already have a project idea, contact the professor directly for more details.

  2. Reach out to the professor, expressing your intention to complete the internship with them. If they respond positively, agree on the project and internship details together.

  3. Fill out the internship assignment form, including the internship topic agreed upon with the professor. The form must also be completed and signed by the professor supervising the internship.

  4. Fill out the authorization form for personal data processing.

  5. Complete the statement acknowledging the plagiarism guidelines.

  6. Download your transcript of records from Infostud. To do this, log into Infostud, select the “Certificates” button, and download the transcript of exams taken.

  7. Submit the completed and signed forms, along with the transcript of records, by filling out the Google Form.

The "Certificates" button on Infostud.

How to Apply for an External Internship #

  1. The company posts the internship announcement on TSP Sapienza and awaits approval.

  2. If there are existing agreements between the student and the company, but the degree program is not listed as a target in the announcement, the student can ask Professor Gorla to add it, providing the necessary explanations.

  3. Apply to the announcement on TSP Sapienza.

  4. The company evaluates the application and, if accepted, approves it.

  5. Professor Gorla will ask if a supervisor has already been identified or if they should be used as the supervisor. It is possible to choose a professor who deals with topics similar to those of the internship.

  6. Professor Gorla approves the training project.

  7. The company prints the training project from TSP Sapienza and sends it by email already signed. If not sent, contact the company.

  8. The student signs the project and sends it to Professor Gorla for the final signature from the University.

  9. Download the internship assignment form, similar to the one used for internal internships, and have it signed by the chosen supervisor.

  10. The signed form is sent to Professor Gorla if it has not already been signed by him.

  11. The training project, with all signatures, is returned to the student.

  12. All documentation must be submitted to the administration via the Google Form, along with the other required forms: the authorization form for personal data processing and the statement acknowledging the plagiarism guidelines.

  13. The internship can begin. It is advisable to check with Professor Gorla that all documentation is in order.

How to Write an Internship Report #

The internship report is an important document that summarizes the educational experience gained during the internship. Although there are no strict guidelines for writing the report, here are some useful tips for structuring and writing a high-quality internship report.

Why Use LaTeX? #

For drafting your internship report, we strongly recommend using LaTeX. LaTeX is a writing system particularly suited for scientific documents, academic articles, and technical documents. It is widely used in academia for its ability to produce professionally formatted documents, manage complex mathematical formulas, and automate references and bibliography management through BibTeX.

LaTeX will help you produce your report more quickly by allowing you to focus on the content while the system handles the formatting. Additionally, it will provide you with a well-structured and easily modifiable document, resulting in a professional and high-quality output.

To get started with LaTeX, we suggest using Overleaf, an online LaTeX editor that does not require installation on your computer. For your report, you can use this template for a bachelor’s thesis from Sapienza University. Although designed for a thesis, it is easily adaptable for an internship report.

Learning to Use LaTeX

If you’ve never used LaTeX before, don’t worry! You can start with this 30-minute quick guide to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts.

Mathematical Symbols #

If you need to use mathematical symbols in your report, LaTeX makes it easy to include them. For example, to write the set of real numbers, you can use the command \mathbb{R}. If you need a specific symbol, you can consult this list of LaTeX mathematical symbols to find the corresponding code.

Length of the Report #

There is no mandatory length for the internship report. However, we recommend writing a report of at least 30 pages. Remember that the quality of the content is more important than the number of pages, so focus on clarity and completeness of the information provided.

Bibliography Management #

To manage the bibliography effectively, we suggest using BibTeX. This tool, integrated with LaTeX, simplifies the insertion and formatting of citations in your document.

BibTeX guide

To learn how to use BibTeX, check out the guide to bibliography management with BibTeX created by Overleaf.

Final Tips #

As you write your report, maintain a clear and professional writing style. Feel free to use images, diagrams, or code snippets to illustrate your work when appropriate.

Before final submission, ask your supervisor to review your report. They may provide valuable feedback to improve it and point out any errors that need correcting.

Remember that the internship report is not just a graduation requirement but an opportunity to reflect on your educational journey and present your skills professionally. Use this chance to highlight your work and the skills acquired during this important formative experience.

Internship Reports Shared by Other Students #

Here you will find a list of internship reports shared by other Sapienza students. These documents can be helpful for understanding how to structure and write your own internship report.

Add your report to the list