Study Plan

ACSAI Study Plan #

In the third year of the Bachelor’s degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, students complete their education with one compulsory course: “Foundations of Computer Science”

Most of the information on this page has been taken from the Attend section of the Bachelor’s degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence page dedicated to completing the study plan.

What is the Study Plan? #

A study plan represents the set of courses for which students must take exams in order to obtain their degree (Bachelor’s degree).

Students without an approved educational path will not be able to register for or take exams for elective courses, but only for those mandatory for everyone.

How many Elective Courses should I choose? #

Each student must choose 36 ECTS credits of elective courses. For example, it is possible to choose 6 courses of 6 ECTS credits each or other combinations that total 36 ECTS credits, such as 2 courses of 6 ECTS credits each and 2 courses of 12 ECTS credits, and so on.

Of the 36 ECTS credits:

  • 12 ECTS credits can be chosen from outside the course catalog, including from other faculties

    • In particular, it is possible to choose up to a maximum of 15 ECTS of courses outside the Degree Course, which will however be counted as a maximum of 12 ECTS. This is to give you the possibility of choosing, for purely personal interest, one course outside the degree of 6 ECTS and another of 9, for example.
  • 18 ECTS credits must be chosen from the Applied Computer Science course catalog

  • 6 ECTS credits must be chosen from the Law and Economics course catalog

When to Submit Your Study Plan #

Students, once they reach the Third Year, can submit or request to renew their study plan only once per academic year.

The time frames within which this can be done are described in the following table, categorized by your year of enrollment in the First Year (due to regulatory changes over the years):

Year of EnrollmentStudy Plan Submission Period
2020/21December 1 to December 31
2021/22December 1 to December 31
2022/23December 1 to December 31, 2024
2023/24December 1 to December 31, 2025
2024/25September 15 to November 30, 2026
2025/26 and laterSeptember 15 to November 30

How to Submit or Renew Your Study Plan #

Submitting a course of study takes place online via the Infostud system following the procedure described in the Student Handbook - SIAD - Study Plans.

  • The same procedure is used to renew the study plan, by submitting a new plan with modifications to the non-mandatory courses.

  • It is not necessary to submit a new plan if no changes are desired.

If the student pre-selects a Curricular Study Plan (PFC) and chooses two courses included in the Degree Program in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence under the “Elective Courses,” the study plan will be automatically approved.

The student will recognize this situation from the validation message, which will state: “The proposed study plan is correct and can be automatically approved.”

In all other cases, students will need to wait for their study plan to be reviewed by a faculty member responsible for validation; this review will take place within a few weeks.

How to select External Courses #

Each student can choose 12 ECTS of courses outside the course manifesto, and thus from other Bachelor’s Degree courses (if desired also from other departments or even faculties), but how to choose these teachings?

The choice of an external course must still be relevant to the Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Degree Program, meaning it must be a course that can be useful for Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence training.

  • For example, a Mathematics course might be useful for Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence training, but a Literature course is unlikely to be considered useful.

For assurance, students can ask the relevant Academic Advisor in the Competent Commission for the evaluation and approval of study plans whether the chosen course is relevant to the degree program.

This can be done, for example, by sending an email with the course name, Degree Program, and Faculty where it is offered, explaining the choice of the course, and asking for confirmation about whether it can be included in their study plan.

Keep in mind that external courses chosen are not always accepted; they are often rejected because they are similar to courses already included as mandatory in the degree program, or because they are not relevant.

Some courses that have been previously approved as external courses for ACSAI students in past years are listed in the section External Elective Courses.

Academic Advisor #

The “Commission for the Evaluation and Approval of Study Plans” is responsible for assessing and approving study plans within a few weeks.

Students are advised not to write before two weeks if it is not strictly necessary. In the event of non-approval, students will receive appropriate communication regarding the changes needed to make the study plan compliant with the study plan regulations. A student may resubmit a new plan with the necessary corrections immediately after receiving the notification of non-approval.

The academic advisor on the Commission for the Bachelor’s Degree is Prof. Angelo Spognardi, to whom you can write for further information and/or urgent approval requests (e.g., learning agreement for the Erasmus program).

Courses #

Course codeCourseSemesterECTSSSD
10595530Foundations of Computer ScienceFirst6INF/01
Applied Computer ScienceSee “Optional Groups”18INF/01
Law and EconomicsSee “Optional Groups”6
Elective courses-12
AAF2011Final examSecond6

Optional courses #

Applied Computer Science #

The student must acquire 18 credits from the exams in the group

Course codeCourseYearSemesterECTSSSD
10595531Deep LearningThirdFirst6INF/01
10595534Web and software ArchitectureThirdFirst6INF/01
10595535Human Computer InteractionThirdSecond6INF/01

Law and Economics #

The student must acquire 6 credits from the exams in the group

Course codeCourseYearSemesterECTSSSD
10595536Business and Computer ScienceThirdSecond6SECS-P/07
10595537Law and Computer ScienceThirdSecond6IUS/20

External Elective Courses #

Below is a list of some courses that have been recognized for Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence students in previous academic years as external courses:

  • N.B.: Some of these courses may have been accredited to students transferring from other programs rather than being directly chosen as part of the Third Year Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence curriculum.

Please also refer to the guidelines on how to select external courses for more information!

APPLICAZIONI DELL’AUTOMATICA1056052[31810] Ing. Inf. e Aut.6Telegram
BIOETHICS1049265[30422] Bioinformatics6-
BIOINFORMATICS I10592707[30422] Bioinformatics6-
COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEMS BIOLOGY10592651[30422] Bioinformatics6-
FILOSOFIA DELL’INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE10605966[31774] Filosofia e Intelligenza Artificiale6-
GESTIONE AZIENDALE1041430[29930] Ingegneria Gestionale12-
INGEGNERIA DEL SOFTWARE1022301[29400] Informatica - erogato in modalità prevalentemente a distanza6-
INTERAZIONE UOMO MACCHINA1022263[29923] Informatica6Telegram
LAW BIOETHICS AND HUMAN RIGHTS10595495[32362] Global Humanities6-
MATEMATICA DISCRETA1021828[29923] Informatica6Telegram
NETWORK ANALYTICS1055807[29924] Statistica Gestionale9-
OTTIMIZZAZIONE SU RETI10600549[29930] Ingegneria Gestionale6-
SICUREZZA1022268[29923] Informatica6Telegram


Can I choose only internal courses?

Yes, you can choose to take only courses within the Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence degree program (30786). However, you also have the option to include up to 12 ECTS credits from courses offered by other degree programs and faculties, if you prefer. This is not mandatory, but it is available as an option.

Can I choose all courses offered in the First Semester?

Yes, you are allowed to choose all courses offered in the First Semester. If you select two courses with overlapping timetables and plan to attend both, you will need to manage your time accordingly. There are no issues with regard to exams. You can freely choose to enroll in all courses from either the First Semester or the Second Semester.

What should I do if I choose a course that I don’t like?

If you have not yet submitted your study plan, you can still modify your course choices. If you have already submitted your plan, you will need to wait until the next Academic Year to make any changes. In some cases, you may request an early modification to the academic advisor for the study plans, subject to approval.