๐Ÿ“œ ACSAI Rulebook

ACSAI Rulebook #


These rules are copied from the “Programme Regulations” page within the “Study plan” section of the Degree Course in the Course Catalog.

The following is a list of regulations regarding the course:

NG1 Admission requirements #

To be admitted to the degree course, you must have a high school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, as well as have an adequate knowledge of the English language.

To successfully undertake the course of study, you must have basic knowledge of physics and mathematics, which are normally provided by the high school cycle of studies. Logical ability and understanding of written texts and speech are also required, as well as mastery of expression through writing. In particular, it is essential to be able to learn and transmit knowledge through the English language.

NG2 Admission test #

Enrollment in the Degree Course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence is subject to passing an admission test.

The methods of enrollment, carrying out and evaluating the test are defined in the announcement relating to the methods of admission to the Degree Course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, published by Sapienza and available at:


NG3 Course abbreviations, credit recognition #

NG3.1 Course abbreviations #

Anyone who already holds a three-year diploma, three-year degree, four-year degree, five-year degree, specialist degree acquired according to a previous system, or a degree or master’s degree acquired according to a current system and intends to obtain a further qualification may ask the CAD to enroll in a year of the course following the first.

The applications are evaluated by the CAD, which in this regard:

  • evaluates the possibility of total or partial recognition of the study career followed up to that point, with the validation of part or all of the exams taken and any credits acquired, and the related grade; in the case of transfer between courses pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270 of the same class, at least 50% of the credits acquired in each SSD must be recognized (art. 3 paragraph 9 of the Ministerial Decree of degree classes);
  • indicates the year of the course in which the student is enrolled;
  • establishes any additional training obligations to be fulfilled;
  • formulates the completion plan for obtaining the qualification.

If the student, on the basis of the recognized career, can be admitted to a year of the course following all those activated in the current system, the student is granted the option of choosing between enrolling in the corresponding year of the course of the previous system or in the most advanced year of the course currently active in the current system (article 33, paragraph 5 of the University teaching regulations).

A student cannot enroll or register for a degree course belonging to the same class in which he or she has already obtained a degree.

Requests must be submitted by the deadlines and in the manner specified in the University study manifesto.

NG3.2 Criteria for credit recognition #

All university training credits (CFU) already acquired may be recognized if they relate to courses that have content, documented through the course programs, consistent with one of the training paths provided for by the degree course. For transfers from courses of study of the same class, recognition of a minimum of 50% of the credits of each scientific-disciplinary sector is guaranteed.

The CAD may decide on the equivalence between scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD) for the attribution of CFU on the basis of the content of the courses and in accordance with the organization of the degree course.

The CFU already acquired relating to the courses for which, even with a different name, there is a clear equivalence of content with the courses offered by the degree course can be recognized as relating to the courses with the names of the degree course for which enrollment is requested. In this case, the CAD decides on the recognition with the following methods:

  • if the number of CFU corresponding to the course for which recognition is requested coincides with that of the course for which it is recognized, the attribution occurs directly;
  • if the number of CFU corresponding to the course for which recognition is requested is different from that of the course for which it is recognized, the CAD will examine the student’s curriculum and assign the credits, if necessary, after supplementary interviews.

The CAD can decide on specific correspondence relationships between groups of courses of the three-year degree courses in Computer Science and Information Technology ex DM 509 of Sapienza and groups of courses of the degree course in Computer Science ex DM 270, in order to simplify the transition of students to the new system. The list of correspondences is available at the Teaching Secretariat and on the website of the degree course.

The CAD can recognize as credits the professional knowledge and skills certified in accordance with the legislation in force on the matter, as well as other knowledge and skills acquired in post-secondary level training activities in the design and implementation of which the University has contributed. These credits are counted towards the 12 CFU required for the internship activity.

Activities already recognised for the purpose of awarding CFU within the degree course cannot be recognised again within the master’s degree courses.

NG4 Completion plans and individual study plans #

Each student must obtain official approval of their complete educational path from the CAD before being able to register exams relating to courses that are not compulsory for all students, under penalty of cancellation of the relevant exam reports.

The student can obtain this approval with two different procedures:

  1. by adhering to one of the completion plans of the educational path prepared annually by the CAD;
  2. by submitting an individual study plan that must be assessed by the CAD for approval.

In both cases, the student must submit his/her proposal exclusively by means of the specific procedure present in the university information system Infostud.

NG4.1 Completion plans #

A completion plan contains the list of all the courses provided for in the corresponding educational path and a specific space for indicating the courses relating to the 12 CFU chosen by the student. The latter can be chosen from all those present in the entire educational offer of Sapienza.

The completion plan membership form, duly filled out online with your data and with the indication of the courses chosen, is forwarded to the CAD to verify that the courses chosen are actually consistent with the educational path. If so, the completion plan is accompanied by the indication of the date of the positive opinion by the CAD and becomes an integral part of the student’s career. If not, the student is invited to modify the list of courses relating to the 12 CFU chosen.

Starting from the day after the approval by the CAD, the student is authorized to register, in addition to the mandatory exams for all students, also those relating to all the non-mandatory courses listed in the completion plan to which he or she has adhered.

Adherence to a completion plan can be made only once per academic year, starting from the third year of the course, in the periods:

  • from 1 September to 30 October if the completion plan contains non-mandatory courses whose exams the student intends to take in the following January/February session;
  • from 1 February to 30 March otherwise.

NG4.2 Individual study plans #

If the student does not intend to adhere to any of the proposed completion plans, he/she must present an individual study plan, which must be completed from 1 September to 30 October of each year.

The individual study plan, once completed, is submitted by the student to verify that the choices made constitute a valid educational path. If so, the individual study plan is approved by the CAD and becomes an integral part of the student’s career. If not, the student is invited to modify it. The CAD deliberates on approval by the following 31 January.

If approved, the individual study plan becomes an integral part of the student’s career.

Starting from the day following the CAD resolution, the student is authorized to register, in addition to the exams mandatory for all students, also those relating to all non-mandatory courses listed in the approved study plan.

The individual study plan can be submitted only once for each academic year, starting from the third year of the course.

NG4.3 Modification of completion plans and individual study plans #

A student who has already joined a completion plan can, in a subsequent academic year, join a different completion plan or propose an individual study plan. Likewise, a student who has already been approved for an individual study plan can, in a subsequent academic year, opt to join a completion plan or propose a different individual study plan.

In any case, exams already recorded cannot be replaced.

NG5 Teaching methods #

Teaching activities are conventional and distributed on a semester basis.

The teaching is taught through lectures and exercises in the classroom and laboratory activities, organizing the timetable of the activities in such a way as to allow the student an adequate amount of time to dedicate to personal study.

The nominal duration of the degree course is 6 semesters, equal to three years.

NG5.1 University training credits #

University training credits (CFU) measure the amount of work done by a student to achieve an educational objective. CFU are acquired by the student by passing exams or by obtaining qualifications, where applicable.

The credit system adopted in Italian and European universities provides that one CFU corresponds to 25 hours of commitment by the student, distributed between institutionally required collective training activities (e.g. lectures, exercises, laboratory activities) and individual study.

In the degree course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, in accordance with article 23 of the University teaching regulations, one CFU corresponds to a number of hours of lessons that varies between the following intervals:

  • one CFU of frontal lectures: from 6 to 10 hours
  • one CFU of guided exercises or laboratory: from 9 to 12 hours

For each individual course, the CAD determines the number of hours assigned, in accordance with these intervals.

The individual sheets for each course, available on the degree course website, show the distribution of CFU and teaching hours in the various activities, together with the prerequisites, training objectives and general programmes.

The total workload for obtaining the degree is 180 CFU.

In the degree course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, the portion of the overall time commitment reserved for the student’s personal study or other individual training activities is at least 50% of the overall time commitment.

NG5.2 Teaching calendar #

The teaching calendar is organized into two teaching periods and three exam periods, according to the following approximate schedule:

  • first teaching period: from the end of September to the end of December;
  • second teaching period: from the end of February to the beginning of June;
  • first exam period: from the beginning of January to the end of February;
  • second exam period: from the beginning of June to the end of July;
  • third exam period: September.
  • extraordinary exam period: April and November (only for students who are out of course or repeating or working for the student secretariat, or for students in course who intend to graduate in the following degree sessions (respectively, January and July), and who request it by certifying their status as graduates).

For each course the following are planned:

  • two exam sessions in the session immediately following the end of the course (January-February for the courses of the first teaching period, June-July for the courses of the second teaching period);
  • three sessions in the remaining sessions, one in September and two in the other session;
  • two additional sessions will be reserved in November and April for students who are out of course, repeating and working, according to the methods and conditions reported on the degree course website.

The start and end dates of the teaching periods and exam sessions can be consulted on the degree course website.

NG5.3 Exam tests #

The evaluation of the student’s individual progress, for each course, is expressed by assigning a grade out of thirtieths, in which case the minimum grade for passing the exam is 18/30, or a pass mark.

The following elements may contribute to the final evaluation:

  • a written exam, generally distributed over several written tests to be taken during and at the end of the course;
  • an oral exam;
  • the work carried out independently by the student.

NG6 Attendance methods, propaedeutics, progression to subsequent years #

Regular attendance of the courses is highly recommended but is not mandatory.

Propaedeutics between courses that have the same name and progressive numbers or progressive letters are, in accordance with current regulations, mandatory. Consequently, the exams relating to these courses must be passed in a temporal order consistent with the numbering of the courses, under penalty of cancellation of the related exam reports. There are no other propaedeutics within the degree course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. However, the placement of the courses within the training path is a clear indication of the optimal order in which to follow them and take the exams. In particular, it is recommended to:

  • take the exams of the courses of one year of the course only after having passed all those of the previous years of the course;
  • take, within the same year of the course, the exams of the courses of the second semester only after having passed all those of the first semester.

For the degree course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence there are no barriers to enrollment in years after the first.

NG7 Part-time regime #

The terms and procedures for requesting the part-time regime as well as the related rules are set out in article 24 of the University study manifesto and can be consulted on the Sapienza website. It is possible to choose a number of CFU/year ranging from 18 to 45.

NG8 Students who have not completed their course of study and validity of acquired credits #

Pursuant to art. 32 of the University study manifesto, a student is considered to be behind schedule when, having attended all the training activities provided for in this teaching regulation, he or she has not passed all the exams and has not acquired the number of credits necessary to obtain the qualification within 3 years.

Pursuant to art. 33 of the University study manifesto:

  • a full-time student who is behind schedule must pass the exams missing to complete his or her university career within 9 years of enrollment;
  • the part-time student who is behind schedule must pass the remaining tests to complete his/her university career within double the number of years foreseen by the choice of the duration of the part-time regime.

The CAD establishes that, in the event that the above terms are not respected, the validity of the credits acquired will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and may be considered acquired only for the basic courses. For reinstatement, students must in any case submit an appropriate application to the Student Administrative Office, within the timeframes and in the manner set out in the University Study Plan.

NG9 Tutoring #

Students of the degree course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence can benefit from the tutoring activity carried out by the professors indicated by the CAD. The professors available as tutors and the tutoring methods will be advertised for each academic year by posting notices at the Teaching Office and on the degree course website.

The tutoring activity is divided into various individual and collective services and is governed by specific regulations that can be consulted on the degree course website.

NG10 Paths of excellence #

The path of excellence for the degree course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence has been established, which can be participated in upon enrollment in the second year of the course.

The terms and conditions for requesting participation in the excellence path are indicated on the website of the degree course, where you can also view the competition announcement and download the application form.

NG11 Final exam #

To be admitted to the final exam, the student must have obtained all the CFU required by the educational regulations for activities other than the final exam and must have fulfilled the administrative formalities required by the University Educational Regulations.

The final exam consists of the drafting, presentation and discussion of a written dissertation, prepared independently by the student, which documents in an organic and detailed way the problem addressed in the training internship and all the activities carried out to reach the solution.

The final paper will be subjected to an originality test. In the event of a negative outcome of this test, the student will not be admitted to the final exam.

The final grade is based on the evaluation of the curriculum of studies, the dissertation and the final exam, and on additional elements aimed at encouraging passing the exams within the times established by the educational regulations. The Degree Commission expresses the grade in hundredths and can, unanimously, award the candidate the highest grade with honors.

NG12 Application of art. 6 of the student regulations (RD 4.6.1938, N. 1269) #

Students enrolled in the degree course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, in order to enrich their curriculum of studies, may, according to the provisions of Art. 6 of RDN1239 of 4/6/1938, by means of an application to be addressed to the CAD and delivered to the Teaching Secretariat by January of each year, attend two courses and take two exams each year in courses from other Faculties.

Given the scientific and cultural significance of this rule, the CAD has decided that this request may only be made by students who have obtained at least 39 credits in the degree course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.